Sunday, April 5, 2009

Baby Bunnies!

Remember the youngest Von Trapp girl, whose favorite things are "bunnies" and "baby bunnies!" I'm with her. Baby bunnies are the best.

Our bunnies had bunnies a while ago, but nobody knew until a few weeks ago, when all bunnies were moved from one pen to another. There were four found. All of them were mainly white with gray here and there, over noses and ears and such. My sister, Kimi, adopted two of them, and there are now two left. Then, about 2 weeks ago, more baby bunnies appeared. There were eleven born and there are now five left. This batch is more mixed--there are two white ones, one speckled white and black, one gray, and one jet black. They're so cute and so tiny!!

I have one of the older baby bunnies that I really like that I wish we could take with us to Charleston. I love holding her and she seems to like it too. I held her for a while in the pen today, then just couldn't put her down, so when Jeffy and I went outside the pen for him to wander around, she came with me. Then she came with me when we went inside. When I needed to use both my hands to do something for Jeffy, I put baby bunny in my pocket.

She stayed in there, as happy as a clam, all cuddly and warm in my pocket. I wish I could have a baby bunny in my pocket all the time! Maybe someday.


Anonymous said...

That is too cute! We had rabbits growing up, they are wonderful pets. I'd love to get another one someday!

Anonymous said...

I want a baby bunny in my pocket!! :)

Anonymous said...

i need to come see them or i will die. just so you know.

Hilary Price said...

SO CUTE!!! That would make anyone's day :)