Friday, December 16, 2011

So I Guess I Only Post When Big Things Happen In Our Lives

...but that's much better than nothing, right?

We're having a baby!  And we're so excited, you would think it was our first! :)

I'm due with #4 in May and if little one lets us we will find out the gender next week.  Fingers crossed! (But nothing else, baby!)

Jeffy wants a sister named Sarah.  Katey wants a brother.  Jeff wants another boy.  I want another little blondie to be a twin with Bekah. :)

Yay for babies!

3 comments: said...

It's okay that your kids seem close together. Haha! I meant to say "Keep it up" after that sentence. Anyway, good luck with your pregnancy and hope you're feeling well. said...

This is so weird! I swear I left you a comment. This may be your 3rd comment from me if it's just my computer going psycho.

But I could tell you were prego by your title. : ) Hehe! Congratulations! I also said your kids seem close together to me--I swear you just had one. : ) But you're a great mommy so it's good Heaven is sending them to you.

What is your due date? I think we're close. I'm due May 7th with a little boy.

Bethany said...

I did just have one. :) She'll be one on the 27th. I am due the 20th-ish of May and hopefully will find out the gender soon. Congrats on expecting another boy. How fun!