Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Yay For My Big Girl!

Katelyn's 12-Month Stats:

Height: 31 1/4 inches -- over 100th percentile. Yay!
Weight: 23.4 lbs -- 90th percentile
Head: 18 1/4 inches -- 85th percentile

My goal for the last month was to fatten her up because she seemed so skinny. It worked! She gained almost three pounds, and went up in percentile too. And she's tall! I'm glad about that. She checked out perfectly. What a great little girl! :)

I don't feel like I can call her my baby anymore though. She's all grown up!


Receli said...

Just wait til the baby comes... she will probably seem really really old!

Those are great stats... where does she get all the height from?

Bethany said...

We've both got height in our family, just not necessarily in us. :) My parents are 5'10" and 6'2. Jeff's grandpa's siblings are all at least 6'2", but that ended with that generation. I would love to have tall kids! Well, at least not short kids. :)

Erin said...

She's so cute!! I want a girl:D

Natalie said...

So cute!

Kimi Price said...

Over the 100th percentile? So, Katelyn is taller than 100 percent of all the one-year-olds in the whole world? That's impressive. :)

Hooray for tall kids! And cute girls!

Bethany said...

I know, I thought about that today. If they lined up 100 kids Katelyn's age, would she be at the very top? And what about the rest of the kids who are above the regular percentiles? Hee hee. I wonder how old those numbers are....