Thursday, August 30, 2012


Yesterday was our anniversary! I knew that Jeff had ordered me some flowers, so all day long I waited anxiously for them.  Once the afternoon hit, I went to the flower website to make sure they were actually ordered.  They were and were supposed to be delivered by 4:30.  I waited and waited.

Nothing. :(  They didn't come!

I checked again this morning and now they're in Jacksonville, hopefully to be delivered today.

Good grief, if anything should be delivered on time, flowers are pretty high up on the list.  I was so disappointed!  Hopefully they will come today and be so beautiful it will make up for the fact that they're late.

Edit: The reason this was such a big deal is Jeff was actually deployed at the time, and getting those flowers was the only kind of celebration I was going to get.  So when they were late, I was very disappointed. :)

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

WIC Guilt

I signed Jonathan up for WIC today.  I have so much guilt associated with this!!  I should just let it go.

Guilt 1. That I'm not exclusively breastfeeding anymore.  About a month ago, he got thrush.  OW! Thrush makes breastfeeding excruciating!!  I wanted to quit then, but I stuck with it and when I couldn't stand another second, he got a bottle.  Whew, I made it though.  Then a little over week ago, he got it again!! I guess it never went away completely.  So he got more bottles again.  And I started some intense dieting, so all those combined made my milk go waaay down. Now we're doing formula during the day and breastfeeding at night.  I try to tell myself that he's still getting the good stuff from breastfeeding even if it's not exclusive.

Guilt 2. That I even accepted WIC.  We're not rich or even close to it, but when we budget and are careful we have enough for our needs.  But formula is expensive.

Guilt 3. The ladies at WIC tried to make me feel guilty that my other kids (and I) aren't on it!  Why, why, why? they asked. They started to make make me feel that I should put everybody on it.  When I finally got out of there, away from the pressure, I remembered that No! They don't need WIC!  I work hard to try to feed them well.  They don't eat a lot of junk, but eat meat, fruits, veggies, grains, and dairy.  So I don't need to feel pressure to put them on it.  Sure, then we would have more money for other things, but good food is more important than toys or non-essentials.  We have enough for our needs, and don't need all our wants.   

What a day! Time to just get over it.

In other news, today is our 6th Anniversary!  We'll be having a little family party tonight to celebrate. :)

Monday, August 27, 2012

Who I Am

I now have a profile on!  Yay!  Check me out at