Monday, July 16, 2012

I'm tired and I don't have much to say tonight.  But I don't want to miss another day.

I've been doing a lot of baking lately.  Not great for losing the baby weight, but fun. :) I made white bread and banana bread on Friday, cinnamon rolls on Saturday and donuts on Sunday.  That was the first time I've ever made donuts and I want to try again and make them even better.  The kids and I have been enjoying the yumminess, with Jeff partaking every so often.

But I need to stop and refocus my energy on exercising.  That's my new big project!  No more babies at least for a while, so it's time to get as close to my old body as is possible.  I'm excited.  And even more excited to discover that housing has a fitness room in the community center with an activity room next for the kids to be in while I work out.  Awesome!  Last summer I was doing awesome and working out 1, sometimes 2 times a day and it's time to get myself back in gear.  Looking forward to it!


Kimi Price said...

Yay, you came back!

I'm going to start my big fitness kick after the wedding. I've been making cookies almost every day :)

Sam said...

Dude, you seriously have such adorable kids! You two must have some great genes. :) Glad you seem to be recovering and getting used to four kids around the house!